cameo:Sviatoslav Nikitenko
cinema:Rustam Khamdamov
design:Alexander Ermolaev Etienne Boyer Stas Chermensky
dolls:Ekaterina Manshavina
drawing:Adgur Dzidzaria Akhra Adzhindzhal Rustam Khamdamov Varvara Bubnova
painting:Adgur Dzidzaria Alexander Lozovoy Alexey Shervashidze-Chachba Constantine Inal-Ipa Igor Tulpanov Ivan Titov Levars Butba Milana Gvaramia Nikolay Kabanov Nino Kuprava Pedro Clavijo-Parrado Rustam Khamdamov Shavkat Abdusalamov Stas Chermensky Victor Lysakov Vladimir Andreenkov
photo:Ja’bagh Kaghado Katya Shkolnik Svetlana Petrukhova Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev
projects:Alexander F. Sklyar Art Monaco 2011 Birthday of Piero Celebrating Holiday Eve Fazil Iskander Hibla Gerzmava Parisian Salon d'Automne Rhythm. Shape. Construction Shazina Agrba Ăŕëĺrĺ˙ Ńtóäč˙
skulpture:Ludmila Karaeva Vladimir Andreenkov
3 - 9 October 2015, Moscow Artists’ Union, 20 Kuznetsky Most.
The 85th anniversary exhibition in honor of the abstractionist painter, Vladimir Emelyanovich Andreenkov. The exhibition will feature, for the very first time, works created over the past 5 years.
Vladimir Andreenkov – is truly a rare talent in our artistic community. Most of his works belong to the aesthetics of constructivism. He works equally well in painting, graphics, and sculptures. Vladimir Andreenkov step by step develops the artistic achievements of Russian avant-garde and the European neoplasticism, which he considers an inexhaustible source of creative freedom and cultural strength. It is symbolic that Vladimir Andreenkov was the author and the executor of currently the best dedication to Kazimir Malevich - the memorial gravestone sign placed in 1988 in Nemchinovka.
The purpose of the exhibition is not only to mark the anniversary date of an honorable and deserving artist, but also to attract the attention of the heads of museums, cultural institutions, galleries, public and private companies to the creations of grand master of abstract art of modern Russia, as the most solid and substantial by magnitude.
Opening hours are: 3 - 9 October from 12:00 to 19:00 every day except Mondays. Visits also possible by appointment at the agreed upon time +7 495 6247952; +7 495 5098336; +7 916 6810755; Address: 20 Kuznetsky Most Metro: "Kuznetsky Most", "Lubyanka", "Okhotny Ryad"
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