Lysakov is a gifted artist, gifted by nature, by the grace of God…these paintings came out of his convictions, his emotions, his aesthetics, his entire being.
Vasiliy Alexeievich Pushkarev
Legendary former Russian Museum Director
The creative work of Victor Lysakov is a phenomenon of modern art which is far from the trivial neo avant-garde…
Igor Dychenko
Recognized by the state of Ukraine as a “National Treasure” art and theatre critic
Victor Lysakov does not portray events that are happening right this moment. He rather gives a chance for the viewer to judge for himself… The language of Victor Lysakov does not need any translations.
Jurgen Weichardt
Director and Vice President of the Oldenburk and German Kunstferain Unions
Victor Lysakov does not paint on the current issues, trends or topics. It is much more important for him to reflect not the passing matte temporary concerns, but the eternal one.
S.M. Ivanitsky
Soviet and Modern Art Department Chair, Russian State
Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
One can not be indifferent to the art of Victor Lysakov. The audience is caught by surprise when it realizes that even their deepest and most sacred feelings and thoughts are an open book for the artist. Lysakov owns the key to the most hidden parts of the viewers’ soul.
N. M. Yurosovskaya
Chief Executive Researcher, Modern Art Department,
Russian State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The characters of Lysakov’s paintings are ‘strange,’ but they do have a soul, and in this soul dwells love and faithfulness and loyalty…
Leonid Lerner – Art Critic and Journalist
His visions are tender and may appear a bit immature, but they are filled with expression where color and music are fused into one. In this everlasting dialog of incredibly close beings, one can find the hints for a
kind of philosophy of love.
A.I. Morozov
Vice President, Russian State Tretyakov Gallery,Moscow; Russian Art History Chair, Moscow State University; President, Russian Art Critics Association