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Ja’bagh Kaghado

Ja’bagh Kaghado
Ja’bagh Kaghado
  • Biography

  • Undamaged Blossom

  • Undamaged Blossom

  • Art project Ja'bagh Kaghado «Undamaged Blossom»
  • BiographyJa'bagh Kaghado born in Paterson N.J USA. Education: Photography , Fashion Institute of Technology "FIT" NYC. Lives and works between Paris and Moscow Russia.

    The idea of the project was inspired by the work and the fate of the greatest ballerina of XX century Anna Pavlova. Exquisite beauty and sophistication of the legendary ballerina, manifested remarkably in the part of The Dying Swan (directed by Michael Fokine on music of French composer Camille Saint-Saens, 1908).

    From the photographer’s perspective, ballerina is a beautiful creature, flourishing on the stage like a flower. With extraordinary grace and generosity, she entirely gives herself to the audience, but when left alone, she can fade and wither. Moral strains, competition, physical pain sometimes deprive the joy of life from the goddess of the dance.

    Ja’bagh Kaghado created the series Undamaged Blossom, where he compares a life of the ballerina in dance and a brief moment of blossom. The author concisely uses the vague, "unfocused" pictures of ballerina, as a generalized allegory, and her fate alongside the precise lines of the flower.

    Leitmotif of the exhibition is Ja'bagh’s quest for the thin thread linking the world of inner worries and the real world, the life of nature and art. The artist, forever in love with the beautiful and innocent creation of time, seeks to capture the passing instant of blooming, symbolizing the resistance to oblivion. "We search for ourselves and our purpose - reflects the artist. We see faces and figures in various things: in clouds, in reflections, in nature. We are constantly looking for those images, emotions and experiences that spiritualize us."

    In contrast to the previous works (photographs printed in platinum-palladium technique), the works in the series of Undamaged Blossom are made using mixed media photography and painting on canvas. The foundations of the works are based on black and white pictures, taken by the photographer on the large-format film. The artist enhances the emotional impact by brushing paint; as a result, each work created by Ja'bagh Kaghado becomes unique.

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