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Svetlana Petrukhova

Svetlana Petrukhova
Svetlana Petrukhova
  • Impulse
  • Biography

  • Photoballet
  • Geometry
  • Landscapes
  • Squares

  • Art of Svetlana Petrukhova
  • Photoballet «Il Mondo»

  • Photographic exhibition of Svetlana Petrukhova
  • ImpulseWhat makes someone change the stable and understandable life? Most probably it’s the inner motive sounding as mission or calling, if you please. And despite the fact that the passion for photography is banally fashionable today, Svetlana Petrukhova, non-accidental person in the world of fashion magazines, is far from being banal. Judge for yourself.

    Photoballet “Il Mondo”. Ballerina and sphere are equally important. The dialog between a person and the world is illustrated in still shots. Curiosity, cognition, mind games and the gratitude for everything that was and will be. And in the very center is – the almost sacred and perfect, the sphere or the world simultaneously. Followed by “Photogeometry” – light in the gothic window, port with the wooden ceiling beams, escalator bands … all together the sing of recognition to the most loved that has been in the art history – the Russian constructivism.

    “Landscapes” are not just the curtsey to Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev, but also demonstrate the soft spot of the photographer for the things, so called with history, books, furniture, icons, buildings – and the longer the history the dearer they are to the author. The series “Trees” born in the cradle of the civilization, perfectly demonstrate the above statement.

    The collection “Squares” are compliments to three witty gentlemen: Kazimir Malevish, a Belgian Rene Magritt and finally a Californian James Turrell. Same idea – “you see the sky, and the sky sees you, which at least means that you are not alone”.

    Living in the era of postmodernism, it is hardly necessary or possible to come with new values. The way Svetlana has chosen is much more important. She is trying to see beyond the ordinary by means of already photographic sight. She is following the creative impulse focused on the eternal values. Svetlana Petrukhova is asking her own questions and is searching for the answers; she excites and provokes our imaginations, prompting to co-creations and sympathy. Isn’t this the main goal of the art in general?

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