cameo:Sviatoslav Nikitenko
cinema:Rustam Khamdamov
design:Alexander Ermolaev Etienne Boyer Stas Chermensky
dolls:Ekaterina Manshavina
drawing:Adgur Dzidzaria Akhra Adzhindzhal Rustam Khamdamov Varvara Bubnova
painting:Adgur Dzidzaria Alexander Lozovoy Alexey Shervashidze-Chachba Constantine Inal-Ipa Igor Tulpanov Ivan Titov Levars Butba Milana Gvaramia Nikolay Kabanov Nino Kuprava Pedro Clavijo-Parrado Rustam Khamdamov Shavkat Abdusalamov Stas Chermensky Victor Lysakov Vladimir Andreenkov
photo:Ja’bagh Kaghado Katya Shkolnik Svetlana Petrukhova Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev
projects:Alexander F. Sklyar Art Monaco 2011 Birthday of Piero Celebrating Holiday Eve Fazil Iskander Hibla Gerzmava Parisian Salon d'Automne Rhythm. Shape. Construction Shazina Agrba Ãàëåråÿ Ñtóäèÿ
skulpture:Ludmila Karaeva Vladimir Andreenkov
House of Russian Abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Shazina Gallery
invite to the soiree dedicated to the birthday of FAZIL ISKANDER
March 7, 2012, 6 pm
Soiree in honor of the classic of the modern Russian literature Fazil Iskander is a joint project of the House of Russian Abroad and Shazina Gallery.
Literary works by Fazil Iskander carry on the creative mission of the great artworks. Their keen insight and humor amaze and disarm. His texts, which still wait for their light to be discovered in full, as well as his quotations and aphorisms continue to live a life of their own. His genius phrases are being borrowed to name movies and performances, exhibitions and articles.
Motion picture "Let's part while we are good" was made by the legendary film director Vladimir Motyl (19270-2010) in 1991 based on Fazil Iskander's novel "Old Hasan's Pipe". In Iskander’s story an old man tells the legend about a proud highlander who praised honor, justice and consideration for people above all else. The hero of the movie was a strong personality defeated only by the succession of betrayals.
In 1991 the State Committee for Cinematography treated the picture in a cool manner. Fazil Iskander attempted to defend it but officials and producers did not care. The picture was never shown in cinemas. The only show was in the overcrowded movie theatre of the Kennedy Center in the capital of the USA.
Winter Caucasus, extremely complicated shooting conditions, avalanches and snow wreaths - however the director of photography - great Boris Seredin (1923-1996) - had shot the picture of astonishing picturesqueness. Perfect performance of the Georgian actor Georgy Darchiashvili and Russian actress Lyudmila Potapova in the romantic Abkhazian story astonish with the tragedy of the plot and power of realization. "Meanness does not fell from the heaven. There is always somebody to push", and more "Let's part while we are good", sadly says Bagrat, the main character, when someone yet again tries to be good to him. The underlying message is quite clear: "Let's part before you betray me".
Both the wonderful movie picture by Vladimir Motyl "Let's part while we are good" and the novel it was based on, are significant and worth knowing and seeing.
Before the movie the guests will have the opportunity to see the exhibition of the numerous books by the classical author of the XX-XXI century literature of our country translated into more than 20 world languages.
Fazil Iskander if famous not only for his inimitable sense of humor but also for his strong rejection of mercilessness and injustice. "Art is the conscience expressed in plastic form", Iskander writes. His works "arouse will for goodness, addressing every single person. And this is the most honest bond of human relationships, as each man decides personally and voluntarily whether to accept its signals or not".
Auditorium filled with audience and admirers of Fazil Iskander's works will be the best greeting for the birthday of the favorite author and will deliver warm wishes of good health and Caucasian longevity for him.
Guests’ arrive at 6 pm Movie show starts at 7 pm Information: (495) 915-10-80 Address: 2, Nizhnyaya Radischevskaya str.
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