cameo:Sviatoslav Nikitenko
cinema:Rustam Khamdamov
design:Alexander Ermolaev Etienne Boyer Stas Chermensky
dolls:Ekaterina Manshavina
drawing:Adgur Dzidzaria Akhra Adzhindzhal Rustam Khamdamov Varvara Bubnova
painting:Adgur Dzidzaria Alexander Lozovoy Alexey Shervashidze-Chachba Constantine Inal-Ipa Igor Tulpanov Ivan Titov Levars Butba Milana Gvaramia Nikolay Kabanov Nino Kuprava Pedro Clavijo-Parrado Rustam Khamdamov Shavkat Abdusalamov Stas Chermensky Victor Lysakov Vladimir Andreenkov
photo:Ja’bagh Kaghado Katya Shkolnik Svetlana Petrukhova Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev
projects:Alexander F. Sklyar Art Monaco 2011 Birthday of Piero Celebrating Holiday Eve Fazil Iskander Hibla Gerzmava Parisian Salon d'Automne Rhythm. Shape. Construction Shazina Agrba Ăŕëĺrĺ˙ Ńtóäč˙
skulpture:Ludmila Karaeva Vladimir Andreenkov
Artistically built space, study of details, deep understanding of the theme are for the artist Chermensky the main method of exposition influence to the spectator. The artist also works on the creation of the author's compositions in the style of constructivism, carrying on the traditions of the magnum opuses created in this genre by K. Malevich, E. Lisitsky, V. Tatlin.
Each exposition created by Stas Chermensky is notable for high professionalism and skill, for new approach to the topic, the decision of space and for the aspiration to create an image of time with the help of the exhibit itself.
That's the artist's way to be original in the approach to the material, in the interpretation of the topic, in methods of organization of the space, in a pungency of searches of new means and methods of each exposition creation, to be very skillful in subjecting of his own tastes and his own environment to the general atmosphere of the exposition, and at the same time to be able to express his bright individual attitude to the topic in question.
Also you can look landscapes and still-lifes by Stas Chermensky, executed in the best traditions of classical painting.
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